New Earth Women’s Wellbeing Sanctuary is a home based Yoga Studio offering Beginners Yoga Courses, Meditation/Relaxation Courses, Reiki plus healing, Evolutionary Astrology consultations and Sound Healing. The Studio is situated in the peaceful, beach-side environment of Seaford. We offer a safe, sacred space for Women and Girls only, to practice ancient yogic and meditation techniques, in order to balance the body and soothe the mind. Our courses are held weekly, for five weeks. Our class sizes are kept small and friendly, catering for a maximum of 8, so students will receive a high level of guidance in their practice.

- Small class up to 8 students, women and girls only
- Balance the body and soothe the mind during a 6 week course
- Flexibility and strengthening
- Non vigorous and relaxing
- Notes provided weekly

- Meditation provides a quiet space in your mind to unwind.
- It aids you in becoming centred, balanced and in touch with your Inner Self.
- Meditation improves your concentration skills, recharges your batteries, and increases energy levels.
- It helps you gain peace of mind, by reducing habitual, destructive thought patterns
- Meditation helps still the “monkey mind”, enabling you to have a deeper, more peaceful sleep.

- Boosts the Immune system
- Soothes the Nervous system
- Relieves muscle tension
- Alleviates pain and anxiety
- Re-balances energetic flow
- Heightens intuition and Self awareness
- Grounds and centers your Being
- Increases clarity and purpose
- Improves sleep

- Gain greater understanding of your important relationships, partners, children, siblings, lovers, business.
- Increase your Self awareness so you can function more productively using your natural talents.
- Discover your karmic path – what is your life purpose?
Your life of Yoga
Shanti brings to her classes more than 20 years of teaching experience. She is a compassionate and understanding teacher who is passionate in bringing spiritual depth and peace into peoples lives.
Featured Courses


Masterclass yoga student for 4 years and ongoing
Why do you recommend Awakenings Yoga Studio?
I have practiced yoga before, but I had a disconnect as it was mostly physical, however, doing yoga with Shanti, I’ve been able to really concentrate on my breathing and not necessarily hurry through the poses, but to feel the poses more and to stay in the poses and breathe into them. This enables me to strengthen and relax my muscles and I feel as one. I feel totally united which is very relaxing.
What prompted you to start yoga with Shanti?
I had been looking for something that was more than just a gym yoga, then I received a flyer from Awakenings and it spoke to me and I tried it out, and I’ve been very, very happy.
What benefits do you receive from yoga with Shanti?
The benefits I get are calmness, feeling centred and I feel uplifted. When I come to class I feel like I can leave my outside trappings behind and focus and become one with this energy. Shanti’s classes nurture and uplift me. It releases tension,anxieties and all those niggles that build up in daily life. I leave feeling very refreshed and calm and back into my own body which is a wonderful feeling.
Read more “Masterclass yoga student for 4 years and ongoing”
Masterclass yoga student for 11 Years and ongoing.
Please describe Shanti’s teaching skills.
It was great to find a teacher like Shanti who understood my body so well. She always found an alternative pose if I had difficulty. Shanti has always been spiritually uplifting, very much a friend and very caring. The whole experience at Awakenings Yoga Studio, physically and mentally, with Shanti and the positive people I have met in the group have been just amazing!
Read more “Masterclass yoga student for 11 Years and ongoing.”
Meditation student I year
I Googled Inner Peace when I was not in a good place and I found Shanti and chatted to her over the phone. My first experience of meeting her, she welcomed me into her home and she listened to me and how I was feeling. She explained how meditation could help me. That’s when I decided to learn meditation.
What are the benefits you received from the meditation course?
Shanti taught me breathing techniques, which I wasn’t very good at the time. My whole body would shake and I wasn’t able to stay still, but that was my starting point. When I continued to practice the full yogic breath, I started to stop shaking and started to respond to life a lot better.
When I left class , I would feel like a different person! For someone like me who suffers from anxiety, after meditation, I walk out with a clear chest, feeling calm and happy. All the problems that I thought I had, dissolved. I sleep well, I come home happy to my husband and loving to my children. Meditation has really helped me In all different aspects and for the rest of the week. When I feel like things are getting too much, I just remember my breathing and relax again.
Please describe Shanti’s teaching skills.
I like the way that Shanti is a very calming person, but also very down to earth, is human. We can have a joke, but she still teaches me everything I need to know. She is serious about what she teaches, but is still also very fun and interactive with her students. Its just good just to be here.
I always come back to Awakenings. I have tried different meditation places, but I believe that Shanti does what she does because she loves it. It’s a big part of who she is and I don’t think it’s a business to her, I think its her life.
Three words to describe Shanti.
Shanti is passionate, welcoming and loving.
Please describe New Earth Sanctuary.
The yoga studio is warm and inviting. As soon as you go in you feel as if you have entered a bubble. Even though its only around the corner from your home, you feel like you enter a bubble and its just so peaceful. Actually since meeting Shanti, I ended up getting rid of 50% of all the stuff in my home and put them on the nature strip, “free to good home”, and ended up buying salt lamps and extending my Buddha collection. Now my home is a bit of a mirror version of this studio, except my home has toys around. I brought a bit of New Earth Sanctuary back to my home.
Why would you recommend New Earth Sanctuary meditation course to others?
Well I do recommend people, even though I don’t attend as often as I used to. I recommend people to just go and see Shanti. I will give you her number, just go down thee and see her. I recommend Shanti because she saved me. If I hadn’t come to New Earth Sanctuary, I don’t know where I would be. I want other people to come along, because when I find something that helps me, I want to pass it on to others.
Meditation student for 3 years
When I first came to see Shanti for meditation practice, I had such a busy mind. After learning some breathing techniques, Within a couple of classes, I managed to calm my mind! Shanti’s teachings have actually relieved a lot of stress for me throughout my day to day life.
I actually love coming to Awakenings Yoga Studio just to experience the environment, soft lighting, salt lamps and peaceful music. Shanti’s nature and lovely personality creates the warmth in the environment that makes it a great space for everybody to enjoy, so come on down, it’s a great place to BE !
yoga and meditation student of 1 year and ongoing
An inner calling and then a pamphlet in the letter box inviting me to join Awakenings Yoga Studio prompted me to give Shanti a call to enquire about her yoga classes. I had been thinking about joining up with a Yoga school for a couple of months and so it felt perfectly and divinely timed to receive the pamphlet when I did.
Originally I had enquired about the yoga classes, however they were full at that point so I secured my position in a latter class and joined mediation in the meantime.
What makes you keep coming back to Awakenings Yoga Studio?
I was incredibly surprised by the serene and magical atmosphere which has not siezed to be a part of every class to this day. Its part of what makes going to Shanti’s classes so special for me as I feel like I can dip into another world where I can be at peace and feel safe to express whats on my heart.
What benefits have you received since practicing yoga and meditation with Shanti?
Since starting my awakening with Shanti, I have become much more confident and secure within myself. I value very much the space that Shanti holds for our personal and spiritual growth.
Shanti is open to sharing her own acquired wisdom but is also very open to hearing and listening to other peoples experiences. You can tell that she cares about the wellbeing of her students and is very in-tune with their presence in her classes.
With Shanti’s classes, I have come to feel more in-tune with my body. I think this was through learning to use my breath whilst performing certain movements that Shanti explained the benefit and purpose of.
In other Yoga classes I felt albeit overwhelmed with having to keep up with all that I had no understanding of. In this class it was not only informative and educational but I felt deeply relaxed and increased mobility afterwards.
I also attended Shanti’s meditation course and felt the power of mediating in a group and being guided by the soulful voice of Shanti.
Shanti’s course has taught me a method of entering mediation, utilising my breath and maintaining peace and concentration throughout. This teaching I have taken into every mediation since.
Now I don’t feel like I have to meditate just at home; perfect opportunities arise to go within either at school or whilst I minute at work. The method taught by Shanti allows me to relax my mind and body enough to maximise my mediation in a given amount of time. I also feel like I am able to go deeper into a mediative state than before.
3 words I would use to describe Shanti’s teaching style;
Shanti is an Authentic, Clear Channel.
3 words to describe my feelings after yoga;
I feel Relaxed, full of vitality and flexible.
3 words to describe my feelings after mediation;
I am smiling, feel content and peaceful.
Please describe Awakenings yoga studio.
Awakenings is in a modern home totally dedicated to a yoga studio. It is spacious and comfortable. Your eye is drawn to crystals or art pieces all of which have significant meaning.
Shanti also selects a display of candles and crystals for each class.
Dark organic chocolate awaits us as we walk through the door, candle lit green tea and love bestowed filtered water.
Oracle cards to provide a personal message to reflect what we have happening in our lives.
Two beautiful dogs; Honey and Leonard, who oversee the whole class from beginning to end.
I would recommend Shanti and her classes to anyone who may be experiencing events in their life that are asking them to go within for clarity and answers.
Shanti has empowered me to believe in myself and the messages I receive from spirit. I feel more connected to nature and have more understanding and patience for other people in my life.
I am pleased to have a booking with Shanti for reiki and astrology in the near future. From my own perspective and the testimonies of other people in her classes, I believe that Shanti has a real gift to be able to help others overcome adversities in their lives.
Thankyou Shanti.
Read more “yoga and meditation student of 1 year and ongoing”
Masterclass Yoga and Meditation for 5 years and ongoing
Read more “Masterclass Yoga and Meditation for 5 years and ongoing”
Masterclass yoga student for one and a half years and ongoing.
I am a practicing Vedic Astrologer. My astrology teacher expressed to me that it was important to be practicing Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama (breath work) to be authentic in my Vedic Astrology practice. I was recommended to Shanti through a friend, who attended her Meditation Class.
Why do you keep coming back to Shanti’s classes?
I keep coming back to Awakenings Yoga Studio because of the loving, inclusive and sacred environment that Shanti creates. I feel heard, respected and honoured.
What do you like about Shanti and her teaching skills?
I like the structure that she brings to the class, where each step builds on the previous and that class notes are provided. Also that Shanti can be clearly understood and heard.
What are the benefits you received from Awakenings Meditation course?
Shanti taught a simple and effective method that I find easy to do each day and feel rested and calm afterwards. I also learned a breathing exercise of Nadi Sodhana Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) which I do each time I meditate.
What are the benefits you received from practicing yoga with Shanti?
When practicing the Yoga Asanas (postures), I become aware that I am in the present, I feel where my body is not flowing and not at ease. After class I feel centred and rested and in a balanced space. This state stays with me and supports me to respond to life in a non-reactive way. The affirmations and mantras we practice in the class really help with this.
Another benefit is choosing an Oracle card at the beginning of class – I receive helpful insight each time.
Recently Shanti introduced the use of Tibetan and quartz crystal singing bowls. The effects are quite remarkable. I know something has changed in my resonance field in a positive way.
What are three words that describe Shanti and her teaching skills?
Shanti is a vibrant, dedicated and an insightful teacher.
What are three words to describe your feeling after a Yoga Session?
I feel peaceful, invigorated and full of well-being.
Please describe Awakenings Yoga Studio.
Awakenings Yoga Studio is an elegant space conducive to learning and practicing both Yoga and Meditation.
Entry via the long, Lavender lined driveway is a delight to the senses with Fairy Lights and beautiful flowering plants welcoming at the front entrance. The studio is clean, also warm and nurturing and comfortably cool and airy when hot outside. Large comfortable soft mats are provided, as are spare yoga mats if you happen to have forgotten yours. Bolster cushions are provided for sitting comfortably. Soft, warm, nurturing blankets are always available. Garden windows show beautiful plants, fairy lights and a lovely Moon Fountain. Privacy is also ensured with roll-up blinds.
Why would you recommend Awakenings Yoga Studio to others?
I am blessed to have Shanti as my Yoga teacher, her energy and the physical space she creates for us is truly special and insightful. I look forward to our connection every week, a connection which often has an Awakening Experience.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us of your experience with Shanti and Awakenings Yoga Studio?
The welcoming glass of refreshing tea often accompanied by a piece of organic chocolate is a delight. I particularly enjoy the meditation and deep relaxation at the completion of each class. There is something very unique about the energy with which Shanti guides this. I find that I am transported off into the Cosmos many a time, from which she guides us gently and perfectly back.
Read more “Masterclass yoga student for one and a half years and ongoing.”
Foundational yoga student for 5 years
I have epilepsy and I wanted to learn how to calm myself and have more control of my body. Medical wise, I didn’t want to take so many prescription drugs. I wanted to learn techniques that I could use in that precise moment I needed help. I received a pamphlet in my letterbox and I thought if I don’t try, I’ll never know, so I gave it a go and Shanti changed my life, she’s amazing.
What are the benefits you have received from yoga with Shanti?
The breathing techniques that Shanti taught have prevented full blown seizures from occurring and this self control has been fantastic!
When you are with Shanti, she makes you feel calm and makes you feel at home. I like it that she doesn’t make you do crazy postures and she never makes you do things you cant do. No matter what, you know its going to be peaceful and relaxing. If I feel I need to rest, I can just lay there and enjoy a laugh with the other ladies.
What do you like about Shanti’s teaching skills?
Shanti is a wonderful person in my life, if I never came to Awakenings, I would have regretted it. She is like my personal guardian angel and she seems to be around whenever I need her. She’s like that mother you need, or that best friend. Its like she has a calling, she seems to sense when something is not quite right. I don’t know whether its her nursing experience, some people have this gift and Shanti has it and you can feel it by the way she speaks to you. She doesn’t preach to you, yet she gives you all her attention and listens. I feel that’s how every teacher should be. There is no-one like her. What I get from Shanti is something in life, you rarely receive. Especially when you have epilepsy like me, being put on lots of medication, you can get all that, but with doing this type of yoga, I have been able to get my life back and that’s priceless!
Shanti has been able to give me back my life and so as a thankyou present, I gave her a rose quartz, tree of life necklace, to thank her for the five years of teaching me and understanding all the things that have gone on with me and my medical condition. When I haven’t been able to go to go to class, she just understood that things were not going well, but she was still there for me.
Three words to describe Shanti.
Shanti is beautiful, lovely and unconditionally loving. There is no-one like her!
Please describe Awakenings Yoga Studio.
The studio is very welcoming, its like your ideal home. Its not in an isolated place, a hall or in a business park. It just makes you feel like you’re going home. The yoga studio is beautiful, nothing too high tech and its wonderful.
Master Class student for 10 years and ongoing
I suffered from anxiety from the moment I can remember. I always felt different from others, never quite fitted in. I felt very alienated from family ( although I knew they loved me.) I was and am the black sheep f the family. I had tried everything and nothing worked for me. Eventually, I went to a healing therapist and she suggested yoga. A flyer from Shanti was in my letterbox when I got home and the rest is history!
I have been studying with Shanti for 10 years and am in Masterclass yoga.
I always come back to Shanti’s classes because I love her and the rest of the group who attend. I have created a great life for myself and Shanti has helped me and continues to help on my journey to inner peace.
Please describe Shanti’s teaching skills.
Shanti is gentle, sincere, thorough and intuitive. She has the ability to pick an element, stimulated by one student’s discussion or experience and make it resonate with us all. Oh and I like the way she challenges our thinking too. Thanks Shanti
Yoga and meditation student, Astrology consultations and Reiki healings for 3 years and ongoing
I am a busy Mum and a business owner, and I made a promise to give myself some ME-TIME. Thankfully, I chose Shanti’s Yoga classes after a flyer was dropped in my mailbox, to start the ball rolling. That was over 3 years ago now. Since then, I have also attended Shanti’s Meditation classes, I have had Astrology readings, and also Reiki healings from her. Even my husband and son have seen her for Astrology readings!
Describe Awakenings Yoga Studio.
The classes are held in an open studio that has such beautiful energy, filled with amazing spiritual artworks, a stunning collection of crystals and also beautiful feminine sculptures that were made by her students who took part in a Wise Women’s Circle that Shanti facilitates.
You are greeted with Shanti’s warm smile every time you enter, and not to mention lovely herbal teas, and divine little pieces of raw chocolate.
What do you like about Shanti’s teaching skills?
Shanti conducts these classes in a way that everyone feels welcome, everyone can be themselves. And yes, we also have a good laugh too. Shanti is warm, fun, knowledgeable, caring, and she has so much time for you. The classes are also relaxed, laid back, but informative, you may ask questions, tell stories, share experiences, or if your like me, you feel comfortable to just be a quiet achiever.
Describe your experience of the Astrology and Reiki sessions.
The individual sessions of Astrology and Reiki are phenomenal. Expect hours of dedicated time and energy put in to you! Shanti is passionate about her work, and goes above and beyond in every way she can for these one on one times with you. I call them healings, as in both her Astrology and Reiki sessions, there are massive shifts, and life changing information, useful advice and you just feel like a new person afterwards. Time flies, while you are there, and when you leave, you will leave going Wow, Wow, Wow!
Beginners yoga student for 1 year. Astrology consultations 1 year and ongoing
I first heard about Shanti through word of mouth and she came highly recommended by a friend. My best friend and I were looking to start a yoga class but not at a gym, somewhere that felt calm and peaceful where we could escape from the daily grind.
Describe Awakenings Yoga Studio.
I walked into Shanti’s studio and instantly felt an overwhelming sense of calm with its homely and beautiful surroundings that give a sense of relaxation and comfort.
Describe the benefits you received from yoga with Shanti.
I completed the 6 week beginners course with Shanti, not knowing a lot about yoga and having some issues after having a child I was quite anxious about what I could and couldn’t do, Shanti made me feel completely at ease as everyone just goes at their own pace within their own limitations. By the end of each yoga class I felt like I had just come home from a holiday, completely relaxed with a clear mind and content.
Describe your experience of Shanti as a teacher.
Shanti is a wonderful teacher who has such passion and a true gift to share, I feel blessed to have come across her as you never leave her feeling any less than wonderful.
After my yoga course had completed I booked in for an Astrology reading as it’s always something that’s interested me, I was completely blown away by how accurate the details were and it gave me a real push to do something I had always wanted to do for myself but never had the courage and for this I am so grateful to Shanti. She not only provides you with your reading for the next 6 months of your life, she educates you on how it all works and connects, as well as shows such passion in all she shares. It is truly a beautiful and in my case, a life changing experience and I have been going back for readings for over a year now.
I would highly recommended Shanti to absolutely anyone.
Read more “Beginners yoga student for 1 year. Astrology consultations 1 year and ongoing”
Meditation and yoga student of 8 years and ongoing
I used to find it difficult to sleep, with Shanti’s teachings, I gained a different view about my life and now I sleep very well!
I would like to tell everyone who is thinking of practicing yoga and/or meditation to trust and relax when you enter Shanti’s home and appreciate the peaceful experience that is Shanti.
Read more “Meditation and yoga student of 8 years and ongoing”
Beginners yoga and meditation for 18 months and ongoing
Read more “Beginners yoga and meditation for 18 months and ongoing”
Yoga and meditation student for 1 year
Held in a relaxed, no pressure environment, the classes provide some ‘time out’ from the craziness of everyday life.
Shanti is full of life and extremely supportive towards all who attend, taking into account her students’ individual needs.
I highly recommend Shanti’s classes to people from all walks of life and I will be continuing to attend throughout 2018